1. Write a program to print “Welcome to C++”.



2. Write a program to add two numbers.



 3. Write a program to swap two numbers.



4. Write a C++ program to calculate simple interest.




 5. Write a program to check whether a number is even or odd.



  6.  Write a program to check whether a year is leap year or not.




  7. Write a C++ program to find the largest number among three numbers



8. Write a C++ program to find the maximum of three numbers using conditional operators.





9. Write a C++ program to check whether a character is vowel or not using switch case.


  10. Write a C++ program to print 1st 100 natural numbers.


  Write a program in C++ to print the number from 1 to 100.


 11. Write a program to calculate sum of first n natural numbers.


 12. Write a program to print elements of a one dimensional (1D) array.


O  Output:


     13. Write a program to print elements of a one dimensional (1D) array taking input from user.



14. Write a program to print sum and average numbers of array elements.



15. Write a program to calculate total and average marks of 5 subjects using array.



    16. Write a program to print elements of a two dimensional (2D) array.




     17. Write a program to read and print elements of a two dimensional (2D) array.



18. Write a C++ program to add two matrices.


19. Write a program to add two numbers using class and objects.



20. Write a program to add two numbers using inheritance.


21. Write a program to implement stack through class and objects.



 22.   Write a C++ program to implement stack using array.
