1. What is network security? Explain the goals of network security?
2. What
are the goals of network security?
3. Discuss
the classification of security goals.
4. Write
briefly the categories of attacks.
5. List
and briefly define categories of passive and active security attacks.
6. Differentiate
between active attacks and passive attacks.
7. Distinguish
between active and passive attacks.
8. Explain
the various active attacks. What security mechanisms are suggested to counter
attack active attacks?
9. Determine
the security services required to counter various types of Active and Passive
10. Explain in detail the taxonomy of attacks with
relation to security goals.
11. Name four factors needed for a secure network?
12. Explain in detail Network Security
13. Write down principles of security.
14. What is information security?
15. List out web security threats.
16. What is data integrity?
17. What is the need of security in network
18. Why do we need network security & how can
it be provided?
19. What
is the relation between security mechanisms and attacks? Explain.
20. Briefly explain the security services and
21. Explain various security mechanisms.
22. What are the various security mechanisms?
23. What is the relation between security services
and mechanisms?
24. List and explain the security mechanism
defined by X.800.
25. Enumerate the security mechanisms defined by
X.800. Explain each.
26. What is the OSI security architecture?
27. What are different security services?
28. List and briefly define categories of security
29. What are the different types of authentication
30. What is the difference between peer
authentication and data-origin authentication?
31. What is the
purpose of the peer entity authentication services?
32. What is the need of security services? Explain different security
services in detail?
33. What is the difference between security
services and security mechanisms?
34. How are security services and mechanisms
related to each other?
35. Define cryptography.
36. Define Encryption and Decryption.
37. Differentiate Encryption and decryption.
38. Discuss about Encryption.
39. Write a note on Decryption.
40. Explain the type of encryption/decryption
method. Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
41. Define cipher text with an example.
42. What is cryptosystem?
43. Specify the components of encryption
44. Discuss the components of cryptography.
45. What is permutation process in cryptography?
46. How is a secret key different from public key?
47. What are the roles of public and private key?
48. State and explain the principles of public key
49. State the important properties of public key
encryption scheme.
50. Write the three dimensions of cryptographic
51. Write about
Security Mechanisms in Cryptography.
52. Define symmetric key cryptography.
53. Name
the five essential ingredients of a symmetric cipher model.
54. Differentiate between Symmetric and Asymmetric
55. Explain symmetric key encryption model with a
neat diagram.
56. Briefly explain the private and public key
cryptography with RSA.
57. What do you understand by cryptography? List
the various cryptographic techniques with suitable examples.
58. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
secret key encryption?
59. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
public key encryption?
60. What is Cryptography?
What is the difference between symmetric
and asymmetric cryptography?
61. What is cryptanalysis? Explain various
types of cryptanalysis with an example.
62. What is
cryptanalysis? Explain different cryptanalytic attack.
63. What
is differential cryptanalysis?
64. Who is cryptanalyst?
65. What are transposition ciphers?
66. List few examples for transposition cipher.
67. Explain
Transposition cipher with an example.
68. What is the difference between substitution
and transposition technique?
69. Compare Substitution and Transposition cipher
70. Briefly define the mono alphabetic cipher.
71. What is the difference between mono alphabetic
cipher and poly alphabetic cipher?
72. Write notes on the following:
- Repudiation
- Digital certificate
73. Compare and contrast:
- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
- Block cipher and stream cipher
- Active and passive attack
74. Differentiate between:
- Mono-alphabetic and Poly-alphabetic cipher
- Substitution and transposition technique
- Block cipher and stream cipher
75. Explain Caesar cipher with an example.
76. Define briefly the playfair cipher and Ceaser
77. Explain the rules of playfair cipher with an
78. What is the drawback of a Playfair cipher?
79. Define cipher text with an example.
80. Use Caesar cipher with key=15 to encrypt the message “Hello”.
81. Construct a Playfair matrix with the key largest. Encrypt this message: MEET ME AT THE TOGA PARTY
82. Use Vigenere Cipher with key HEALTH
encrypt the message “Life is full of
83. Using Hill Cipher to encrypt the message “We live in a insecure world”. Use the key
03 02
05 07
84. Explain about Hill Cipher. Consider the
plaintext “paymoremoney” and use the
encryption key
17 17 5
2 18 21
2 2 19
Find the cipher text.
85. What is a block cipher?
86. Define stream cipher.
87. Compare Stream Cipher with Block Cipher
with an example.
88. Differentiate between block cipher and a
stream cipher.
89. Discuss
the design principles of block cipher technique?
90. Write
a note on Block Cipher Design Principles.
91. Define padding in block cipher.
92. What
are the various block cipher design principles? Explain how different
cryptographic algorithms use Feistel Cipher Structure.
93. What
are Confusion and Diffusion properties of Modern Ciphers?
94. Distinguish
between diffusion and confusion.
95. What are the two methods suggested by Claude
Shannon to frustrate statistical cryptanalysis?
96. Briefly define the terms substitution and
97. Define the avalanche effect
98. What
is avalanche effect?
99. Explain Avalanche effect.
100. What
is a Feistel cipher? Name the ciphers that follow Feistel structure.
101. Explain
in detail Feistel Block Cipher structure with neat sketch.
102. Which parameters and design choices
determine the actual algorithm of a Feistel cipher?
103. Explain steps in DES Algorithm.
104. With a neat diagram explain the general
structure of DES.
105. Draw the block diagram of DES
algorithm. Explain briefly.
106. Write short notes on multiple DES.
107. Discuss any two modes of operations in
108. Explain Data Encryption Standard (DES)
in detail.
109. How is man in the middle attack done in
110. How is expansion permutation function
done in DES?
111. What
are the weaknesses of DES?
112. Mention
the strength and weakness of DES algorithm.
113. Draw
the general structure of DES. Explain the encryption and decryption process.
114. What
is the role of S-Box in DES?
115. How is the S-box constructed?
116. Give the structure of AES. Explain how
Encryption/Decryption is done in AES.
117. List and briefly define the four stages
used in AES.
118. What is the purpose of the State array?
119. Explain one round of processing in AES.
120. Explain the four stages of AES algorithm.
121. Discuss various transformation functions
of AES.
122. Which four tasks are performed in each
round of AES Cipher? Explain.
123. Explain the Key Expansion process in
124. Briefly describe the key expansion
125. What is the difference between SubBytes
and SubWord?
126. What is the difference between
ShiftRows and RotWord?
127. What is the need of the equivalent
inverse cipher?
128. Briefly describe SubBytes.
129. Briefly describe InvShiftRows.
130. How many bytes in State are affected by ShiftRows?
131. Briefly describe MixColumns.
132. How is the inverse add round key
transformation identical to the forward add round key transformation?
133. Write about the following in AES
Substitute Bytes Transformation
ShiftRows Transformation
MisColumns Transformations
AddRound Key Transformation
134. Explain RSA algorithm with one example.
135. Briefly describe the RSA algorithm.
136. Explain the procedure for RSA
137. What is RSA algorithm? Explain the generation
of public and private keys and hence generation of cipher text through RSA with
the help of example.
138. Explain RSA Public Key Encryption. In a RSA
system the public key of a given user is is e=7 and n=33. What is the private
key of this user?
139. Write any two applications of RSA algorithm.
140. Discuss different attacks on RSA.
141. What are the attacks that are possible
on RSA?
142. What is the cipher text if the plain
text is 63 and public key is 13? Use RSA algorithm.
143. Perform decryption and encryption using
RSA algorithm with p=3, q=11, e=7 and N=5.
144. Given p=19, q=23, and e=3. Use RSA
Algorithm to find n, Φ(n) and d.
145. Using RSA algorithm, Find n, d if p=11,
q=3, e=3. Encrypt “HelloWorld” Message.
146. Identify the possible threats for RSA
algorithm and list their counter measures.
147. Define hashing.
148. What is hashing?
149. What are the properties of hashing
150. List and explain the properties of hash
151. What is the difference between a weak
and strong hash functions.
152. Define weak collision property of a
hash function.
153. What is one way property, weak and
strong collision resistance?
154. How is digest created?
155. What are the requirements of cryptographic hash
156. What are the criterions of
cryptographic hash function?
157. Explain the compression of Secure hash
158. What is the role of a compression
function in a hash function?
159. What is the size of message, block,
word and message digest in different versions of SHA?
160. What basic arithmetical and logical
functions are used in SHA?
161. What is the difference between Hash
function and Message Authentication Code?
162. Illustrate Secure Hash Algorithm in
163. Explain the compression of Secure Hash
164.What characteristics are needed in a secure
hash function?
165. Write about the security of hash
166. What is message padding?
167. Estimate the block size of MD5.
168. Why SHA more secure than MD5?
169. With a neat flowchart, show how MD5
process a single 512 bit block.
170. Define digital signature.
171. What is digital signature?
172. Write and explain the Digital signature
173. Describe signing and verification in
Digital Signature Algorithm.
174. Write short notes on Digital Signature
175. Describe the attacks on digital
176. List and briefly describe different
types of attacks that can be made on a digital signature.
177. What is Birthday Attack on Digital
178. What are the properties a digital signature
should have?
179. Explain the working of Digital
Signature with a neat diagram.
180. Differentiate digital signature from
digital certificate.
181. Discuss the role of digital signatures in
modern communication. Also discuss the differences between digital certificates
and digital signatures in authentication.
182. Explain digital signature process with its
security mechanism.
183. Describe the process involved in
digital signatures. Explain about different digital signatures.
184. Describe the digital signature schemes
DSS, Schnor and EIGamal.
185. What is Brute Force attack?
186. What do you mean by brute force attack and
187. What is the difference between threat and
188. Explain the term integrity.
189. Define Integrity and Non-repudiation.
190. What is FIPS?
191. Discuss in detail block cipher modes of
192. Explain cipher feedback mode.
193. What is the need of Authentication? Explain
various authentication functions.
194. What is Authentication? What are the
various authentication techniques used today for safe business-transaction
195. Illustrate in detail about the message
authentication code and its requirements.
196.What is intrusion detection? Write some
measures used for Intrusion Detection.
197. What is Fabrication?
198. What is meant by Fabrication?
199. What is phishing?
200. Who are treated as intruders on a
201. What
is a cyber threat? Write about most Common sources of Cyber Threats in detail.
202. What are the tools available for
session hijacking? Explain briefly how they work?
203. What is meant by packet sniffing?
204. What is a phishing attack? Explain various
phishing techniques with suitable example.
205. What is meant by IP Spoofing?
206. What is Man in the Middle attack?
207. Explain in detail Man in the Middle Attacks.
208. What is replay attack? What is the counter
measure for it?
209. What
is the need for security services at transport layer of Internet Protocol?
210. Difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocol.
211. Explain the four protocols defined by Secure
Socket Layer.
212. What is IPSec?
213. What are security protocols? Discuss
five benefits of IPSec as a security protocol.
214. What are the services provided by
IPSec? Where can be the IPSec located on a network?
215. What are the benefits and services
provided by IPSec?
216. What are discrete logarithms? Explain
how are they used in Public Key cryptography?
217. What is trapdoor one-way function?
218. What are the protocols used to provide IP
219. Explain the operation of Secure Socket
Layer in detail.
220. Discuss Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
221. Find GCD (2740, 1760) using Euclidean
222. What is Kerberos? What are the uses?
223. What is Kerberos? Explain Kerberos
authentication system.
224. What do you mean by Firewalls? Discuss
the need of firewalls in VPN along with its types.
225. Explain various types of viruses.
226. Discuss about SQL injection techniques
227. What is Euler’s theorem and list out
its applications?
228. What is Eulers Totient function? Find
it for 37 and 21.
229. State and explain Euler’s theorem.
230. List the properties of Euler’s theorem.
231. State and describe Fermat’s theorem.
232. Explain Fermat’s little theorem.
233. Define Fermat theorem.
234. Explain the Fermat’s theorem.
235. Distinguish between message integrity
and message authentication.
236. What is message authentication? How is
it different from message integrity?
237. Write about the application of DES in
CBC mode.
238. Explain Cipher Block Chaining Mode.
239. How do you convert a block cipher into
stream cipher by using the Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode? Explain.
240. Explain Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in
if you have any doubts plz let me know...