Data Structures Important Questions | Data Structure Interview Questions

1. Define data structure.

2. Describe in brief, the various data structures.

3. Describe the various operations that, in general, can be performed on different data structures.

4. Explain the classifications of data structures in detail.

5. What are linear data structures? Name any two linear data structures.

6. Explain classification of data structure and operations on data structure.

7. Explain various data structure operations performed on non-primitive data structures.

8. What is linear data structure? Give an example.

9. What is non-linear data structure?

10. Explain various types of data structures.

11. What are non-primitive data structures? Explain the operations on non-primitive data structures.

12. Explain various operations performed on data structures.

13. Mention the disadvantages of an array.

14. What is stack? Mention various applications of the stack.

15. What is stack overflow?

16. Explain briefly the PUSH and POP operation. Give example.

17. How is stack represented in memory?

18. Define recursion.

19. Briefly explain infix, prefix and postfix expressions.

20. Describe the PUSH and POP operation in stack. Explain with an example.

21. Explain how stack can be implemented.

22. What is recursion?

23. Write the difference between stack and queue.

24. Explain in brief:



25. What is Queue? Mention applications of queue.

26. Explain how queue can be implemented.

27. Explain various types of queues.

28. What is queue? Mention its underflow and overflow conditions.

29. What do front and rear signify in a queue? If in a queue, the rear points to the front, what is the queue called?

30. What is a dequeue? Explain.

31.  What is circular queue?

32.  What is priority queue?

33.  What is a circular queue? How is it different from queue?

34. Explain queue overflow and underflow.

35. Explain circular queue with an example.

36. Differentiate between stack and queues.

37. Define a linked list. Explain different types of linked list.

38. What is single and double linked list?

39. Explain the different operations on single linked list with examples.

40. What is a linked list? List disadvantages of Linked List.

41. Explain the process of insertion and deletion in a linked list.

42. Explain various types of linked lists.

43. Mention the advantages of linked list.

44. Mention the applications of the linked list.

45. Mention various types of linked list.

46. What are the advantages of linked list over arrays?

47. Describe the process of insertion and deletion of a node in middle in a linked list.

48. What is circularly linked list?

49. Explain the node structure of a singly linked list.

50. Give the node structure of a doubly linked list.

51. Mention the advantages of linked list over arrays.

52. Explain various tree terminologies with a neat diagram

53. Mention the different ways of tree traversal.

54. Differentiate between terminal and non-terminal nodes of a tree.

55. List different operations on binary tree.

56. Define properties of Binary Tree.

57. Define height of a binary tree.

58. What is binary search tree?

59. Explain the different operations that are to be carried out in BST with suitable examples.

60. Explain strictly and complete binary tree with example.

61. List the properties of binary tree.

62. Define binary search tree. Give an example.

63. State the properties of a binary tree. Explain the various methods for tree traversal.

64. Differentiate between non-terminal node and a leaf node.

65. Briefly explain various tree traversal methods with suitable examples.

66. Compare and contrast between a binary and a binary search tree.

67. What do you mean by a complete binary tree? Draw one such binary tree.

68. Explain the different operation on a Binary tree.

69. Explain the different tree traversal technique with suitable example.

70. Mention different ways of graph traversal.

71. Explain adjacency matrix and adjacency list with suitable examples.

72. Mention the graph traversal methods.

73. What is adjacency matrix? Give example.

74. Explain graph traversal in detail.

75. Mention the types of graph traversal algorithms. Explain any one.

76. What is spanning tree?

77. Explain Prim’s algorithm to find minimum spanning tree.

78. What is MST? Apply the Kruskal’s algorithm to find MST.


79. Convert the following infix expression into its equivalent postfix expression

(a+b) * (m/n) + (x+y)

80. Write short notes on any two:

a. Linked list

b. DFS

c.  Tree traversal

81. Define the terms:

a. Graph

b. Tree

c.  Degree of a vertex

82. Give examples for:

a. Complete binary tree

b. Degree of vertex

83. Construct binary tree given inorder and postorder travsersals.


Inorder:     E A C K F H D B G

Postorder:     E C K A H B G D F


Specify the pre-order traversal.


84. Define the terms:

a. Binary tree

b. Complete binary tree

85. What is an algorithm? Discuss its advantages.

86. Discuss time and space complexity of a program.

87. What is searching algorithm?

88. Compare linear search and binary search methods.

89. Define space and time complexity of an algorithm.

90. Describe binary search technique.

91. Define the terms:

a. Space complexity

b. Time complexity

92. Compare linear search and binary search methods.

93. Explain the binary search algorithm with an example.

94. Describe the concept of linear search technique with an example.

95. Explain with example how Binary search is different from Linear search.

96. Explain selection sort algorithm with an example.

97. Demonstrate the working of insertion sort with an example.

98. Explain bubble sort algorithm with an example.

99. Evaluate the following postfix expression

95   36 * + 97 -1

100. Write an algorithm to evaluate a valid postfix expression.
Use the algorithm to evaluate the following postfix expression:

6, 5, * , 3, 2, * , + , 8, 4, 1, -

101. Evaluate the following postfix expression:


102. Write an algorithm for inserting an element into a linear array.

103. Write an algorithm to traverse linear arrays.

104. Write an algorithm to delete an element from an array.

105. Write an algorithm to insert a node at the beginning of a linked list.

106. Write an algorithm to insert an element at the end of a linked list.

107. Write an algorithm for searching a node in the singly linked list.

108. Write an algorithm to insert a node at the end of the linked list.

109. Write the algorithm for insertion in a binary tree.

110. Write an algorithm for breadth first search.

111. Write Depth First Search algorithm to traverse a graph.

112. Write an algorithm to evaluate postfix expression.

113. Write an algorithm to insert an element into circular queue.

114. Write an algorithm to delete an element into priority queue.

115. Write an algorithm for the following:

a. In order tree traversal

b. Post order tree traversal

c. Preorder tree traversal


116. Explain sequential representation of graphs in memory.

117. Write recursive functions for tree traversals.

118. What is double ended queue? Write an algorithm to insert an element at rear end of the dequeue.

119. What is dynamic memory allocation?

120. What is Abstract Data Type?

121. Illustrate asymptotic notations with example.

122. Explain asymptotic notations.

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