Software Engineering Important Questions | Software Engineering Interview Questions

1. Define software engineering. Write the goals of software engineering.

2. What is feasibility study?

3. Define coupling.

4. Define system.

5. Differentiate between fault and failure.

6. Differentiate between verification and validation.

7. What is software maintenance?

8. What is SRS? Mention its purpose.

9. Define prototype model. Mention two advantages of prototype model.

10. What is coupling? Name two types of coupling.

11. Define equivalence class portioning.

12. Define project Management.

13. Define cohesion.

14. Define risk.

15. Define SRS.

16. Explain feasibility study.

17. Write the characteristic prototype.

18. What is software product? Explain the types with example.

19. What is system integration? Name any two types.

20. Explain the difference between generic model and reference model.

21. What are OOA, OOD, and OOP?

22. What are the characteristics of GUI/UI.

23. What is RGM, cosmetic failure?

24. Define test case, test plan.

25. Define risk management.

26. What are the two types of software products?

27. What is system decommissioning?

28. Define object and class.

29. What are the advantages of GUI?

30. Define reliability.

31. What is a test case?

32. What is software product? Name two types of software product.

33. Define system engineering.

34. Define quality assurance.

35. What is customized software product? Give an example.

36. Write briefly about object oriented design.

37. What are the characteristics of GUI?

38. What is risk mitigation?

39. What is COTS?

40. What is RGM?

41. What is stress testing?

42. What is 4GL?

43. What is user interface prototyping?

44. What do you mean by cyclometic complexity?

45. What is interface testing?

46. Define quality planning?

47. Explain the different techniques used for requirement elicitation and analysis.

48. Explain data flow model in detail with example.

49. Explain the principles of software design.

50. Explain object, object class, inheritance with an example.

51. Explain different types of software reliability metrics.

52. What is software testing? Distinguish between white box and black box testing.

53. Write a note on:

a. Quality assurance

b. Quality control

54. Explain waterfall model with its advantages and disadvantages.

55. What are volatile requirements? Explain the classification of volatile requirements.

56. Explain the different phases of system design process with a diagram.

57. What is fault tolerance? Explain the two approaches to software fault tolerance.

58. Differentiate between black box and white box testing.

59. Explain the quality characteristics of design.

60. Describe different requirement validation checks.

61. Explain types of software maintenance.

62. Write a note on risk management.

63. Describe system procurement process.

64. Explain IEEE structure of SRS document.

65. Explain evolutionary and throw-away prototyping.

66. Explain design principles in detail.

67. Write a note on reliability growth modeling.

68. Explain the contents of test plan.

69. Write a note on quality control.

70. Explain waterfall model with a neat diagram.

71. Write a note on User Interface Design.

72. Explain the quality characteristics of design.

73. Describe the cleanroom software development process with its advantages.

74. Write a note on system reliability engineering.

75. Write a note on Quality Management.

76. Bring out the importance of quality control.

77. Discuss the challenges of software engineer.

78. Explain the phases of requirement elicitation and analysis process.

79. Explain the methods for object identification.

80. Explain reliability growth modeling with its advantages.

81. Explain thread testing with a diagram.

82. Explain quality assurance in brief.

83. Explain spiral model with a neat diagram. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

84. Explain various requirement validation techniques.

85. Explain evolutionary prototyping with a diagram.

86. Explain different types of cohesion with example.

87. Explain functional oriented design with example.

88. Describe different styles of user system interaction.

89. Describe the five types of user system interaction.

90. Explain four types of software reliability metrics.

91. Explain any two types of software testing.

92. Explain quality control in brief.

93. Explain waterfall model with a neat diagram. Mention its merits and demerits.

94. Write short note on:

a. Risk Management

b. COCOMO Model

c.  Feasibility Study

95. Explain the different phases of SDLC.

96. Explain various types of coupling.

97. Draw a 3-level data flow diagram for backing system and explain.

98. Software reuse is very supportive for engineers. Justify your answer.

99. What is reliability metrics? Explain the types of software reliability metrics.

100. Explain the various types of testing.

101. Explain COCOMO model in detail.

102. Explain system engineering process with a neat diagram.

103. Explain spiral model with a neat diagram. Mention its merits and demerits.

104. Explain different types of software maintenance.

105. Explain software reuse.

106. Explain different types of cohesion.

107. Explain functional oriented design.

108. Explain the requirement engineering process.

109. Explain system design process with a diagram.

110. Explain the contents of test plan template.

111. Explain various levels of testing.

112. Write a note on object oriented design concept.

113. Explain reliability metrics.

114. Explain two types of prototyping with advantages and disadvantages.

 115. Explain requirement elicitation and analysis process of requirement engineering with diagram.

 116. Explain the empirical model for cost estimation.

 117. What is reliability growth modeling? Explain the two types of RGM.

 118. Explain different styles of user system interaction.

 119. Explain object oriented design concept.

 120. What are the qualities of a software design?

 121. Differentiate between evolutionary and throw-away prototyping.

 122. Describe requirement elicitation and analysis process of requirement engineering.

 123. Describe different requirement validity checks.

 124. Define SDLC. Explain the different phases of SDLC.

 125. Explain the system engineering process with a neat diagram.



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