Assignment statement assigns a value to a variable. Assignment means to set a value to a variable.

An Assignment statement is a statement that is used to set a value to the variable name in a program. It stores a value in the memory location which is denoted by a variable name.

Assignment statements initialize or change the value stored in a variable using the assignment operator =. An assignment statement always has a single variable on the left hand side. The value of the expression on the right of the = sign is stored in the variable on the left.


The symbol used in an assignment statement is called assignment operator. The symbol is ‘=’.

The Basic Syntax of Assignment Statement in C is:

variable= constant/variable/expression;


variable : variable name

expression : it could be either a direct value or a math expression/formula or a function call.

The expression on the right hand side of the assignment statement can be:

  • An arithmetic expression;
  • A relational expression;
  • A logical expression;
  • A mixed expression.


Examples of assignment statements,

a = b ;  /* a is assigned the value of b */

a = 5 ;     /* a is assigned the value 5 */
b = c+5;  /* b is assigned the value of expression c+5 */

Programming Example: 

Program to swap two numbers ---
