1. What is OOP? Discuss the benefits of OOP?
2. Write the difference between C, C++ and
3. Briefly discuss the history of Java.
4. Discuss the various features of Java.
5. Explain Features of java.
6. What are the roles of Java compiler and
7. How do you define a class in Java?
8. Distinguish between a class and an object.
9. Explain encapsulation.
10. Define debugging.
11. What is
class path?
12. Compare abstraction and encapsulation.
13. Define
byte code.
14. What
is JVM?
15. What
are the roles of JVM?
16. How
does Java Byte code differ from machine code?
17. Define
garbage collection.
18. What
is Unicode?
19. What is JDK? Describe various JDK tools in
20. Explain architecture of java.
21. What is the purpose of JAR (Java Archive) tool?
22. Why java is called platform independent language? Explain.
Java is Platform Independent. Justify.23. What
are identifiers? Explain them with suitable example.
24. What is variable? List out rules for
variable naming in Java.
25. What are data types? What are different
data types supported in java?
26. What
are the various data types available in Java? Explain.
27. What are the various primitive data types
available in Java? Also specify memory requirements and range of each.
28. What are separators? List various
separators used in Java along with their purpose.
29. How arrays are declared in a Java program?
30. What are various types of arrays? Give
syntax of creating each of them.
31. Can arrays be initialized at the same time
they are defined? If yes, explain its syntax with suitable example.
32. Write the structure of a typical Java
33. What is the task of main method in Java
34. What is the difference between int and Integer?
35. What
is a class? Describe the syntax for declaring a class with an example.
36. What are objects? Describe the syntax of
defining objects with example.
37. What are classes and objects? How are they
created in Java? Explain with syntax and example.
38. How do you create instance of a class and
refer to them.
39. What
are instance and class variable?
40. What is a reference variable?
41. Explain in detail various input and output
stream and their corresponding classes in Java.
42. Explain how java supports encapsulation and
data abstraction.
43. Discuss parameter passing by value and by
reference in java with suitable examples.
44. How local
variable is differ from an instance variable?
45. What
type of parameter passing does Java support?
46. Primitive data types are passed by reference
or pass by value?
47. Objects
are passed by value or by reference?
48. Define constructor? What is the use of
49. What are constructors? Explain with
50. What is a constructor? Explain its properties. Can they be overloaded? If yes then explain it with suitable example.
Is it possible to overload a constructor? Justify your answer using example.
51. What is the difference between constructor
and method?
52. What
are constructors? Discuss the features and various types. Also write java
program for parameterized constructors.
53. When will you need to use this keyword
inside a constructor? Show by example.
54. Does Java provide a default copy
constructor? Explain your answer with suitable example.
55. What are parameterized constructor?
56. Define
polymorphism. How it is implemented in Java?
57. What is method overloading? What things
should be kept in mind while overloading a method?
58. How
can we access methods and variables outside the class? Explain it with suitable
59. Define access modifier. Explain with
60. What are access modifiers? Which is default
access modifier?
61. When do we use protected access specifier?
62. Write short notes on:
a. Exceptions
b. JVM
c. Polymorphism
d. Applet
e. Finalized
63. What is inheritance? What are the different
forms of inheritance in Java? Explain with suitable example.
64. What are overriding methods?
65. What do you mean by method overloading? How
is it different from method overriding? Explain with example.
66. What
is the role of ‘super’ keyword?
67. State the purpose of ‘this’ keyword.
68. What is the difference between this and super?
69. What is the use of final?
70. What is the purpose of final keyword?
71. What is final block in Java?
72. State the purpose of a static block.
73. What are abstract classes? What is its use
in Java?
74. What are abstract classes? How does they
differ from concrete classes? Can an abstract class be instantiated? Can there be an abstract constructor. Explain
with suitable example.
75. Differentiate between abstract class and
76. What are wrapper classes?
77. Compare String and StringBuffer classes.
78. How
you can achieve the feature of multiple inheritance in Java? Also write java
program to implement multiple inheritance.
79. Write a program to implement multiple
inheritance using interfaces. Also explain the process.
80. Define
interface. What is the need of an interface in Java?
81. What is interface in Java? How is interface
82. What is the use of implements keyword?
83. What are packages in Java? Explain with the
help of example.
84. What is a package? How it is created and
used in Java? Explain in detail with syntax and example.
85. Explain the life cycle of a thread.
86. What are priorities of thread?
87. What do you know about multithreading? How
it is implemented in Java?
88. What is role of priorities in
multithreading? What are its limitations? Explain with the help of an example.
How do you set and get priority values for threads in Java?
89. What do you understand by inter-thread
communication in Java?
90. Why do we need both run and start methods
in multithreading. Can we achieve it with only run method? Explain.
91. Discuss the process of synchronization of
threads with an example.
92. What is an exception? How it is different
from an error? Is it possible to include your own exception in a program?
Explain with suitable code for the purpose. Also discuss the use of finally
93. How
can we handle Exceptions in Java? Discuss.
94. Explain the exception handling mechanism of
Java. Name few exception handling classes. Why it is done?
95. What
is the role of stack in exception handling?
96. Discuss in detail the throw and throws
97. Differentiate between checked and unchecked
98. Define Applet. What is appletviewer used for?
99. What do you mean by Java Applet? How is an applet different from an application?
100. Discuss the life cycle of an Applet. Discuss the steps involved in creating and running an Applet.
101. How can we pass parameter to an applet?
Can an applet class have a constructor?
if you have any doubts plz let me know...