1. Draw the basic structure of a C program.
2. State
the series of steps for executing a program written in C.
3. What
is compiler?
4. What
is header file in C? List any two header files.
5. What
are library functions? Give example.
6. What
is the significance of stdio.h?
7. What
is the difference between “stdio.h”
and “string.h” ? Explain.
8. What
is the purpose of scanf() function?
9. What
is the difference between scanf()
and gets().
10. What
is keyword in C?
11. What is the use of %d in C?
12. What
is the use of \t in C?
13. Mention how to write a comment in C?
14. What
is source code?
15. What
is data type?
16. What
is a variable? State the rules of declaring a variable.
17. Define
variable. Give example.
18. Write how a variable can be declared in C.
19. What
is global variable?
20. Differentiate
between local variable and global variable.
21. Define
constant in C or define C constant.
22. What
is string constant? How string constant is differ from character constant.
23. What
is the difference between variable and constant?
24. Explain
data type.
25. Write
the difference between C character and C string.
26. What
does data type of a variable signify?
27. What
are the basic data types available in C?
28. Describe
the four basic data types in C.
29. What
is the size of int?
30. How
many bytes are occupied by long int?
31. How
many bytes of memory occupied by a variable declared as float?
32. How
does type float differ from double in C language?
33. Why
floating point numbers are not used for equality in expressions?
34. What
is the use of unsigned char?
35. What
is a null string?
36. Write
the use of null character.
37. What
is the use of “\n”?
38. What is an operator?
39. Briefly
explain the increment and decrement operators.
40. How does x++
differ from ++x?
41. State
the difference between “=” and “==” operator explain with example.
42. Briefly
explain about C operators with example.
43. Write
two relational operator and two logical operator.
44. What
is the difference between Relational operator and Logical operator? Explain.
45. What
do you mean by unary operators? Briefly explain the assignment operator,
arithmetic operators and logical operators.
46. Explain
the function of conditional operator?
47. If
a= -11 and b= -3, what is the value of a%b?
48. What
are the different types of Input/Output functions of C language? Explain them.
49. Explain
the concept of control structure in C. Give example.
50. What
is use of if statement?
51. Explain in brief the nested if statement.
52. What
is a flowchart?
53. Define flowchart?
54. Draw
the flowchart for maximum of two numbers.
55. Explain
switch statement.
56. Define
switch in C. Write a program using switch.
57. Write
the syntax of switch-case statement.
58. Explain
switch case statement with an example.
59. What
is the use of break keyword?
60. What
is the use of break statement?
61. What
is the use of continue statement. Give example
62. Differentiate
between break and continue.
63. What
is the use of goto statement?
64. Write the use of continue statement.
65. What
do you mean by looping? Explain the types of loop with syntax.
66. Write
two advantages of using loops. Describe the syntax of the ‘for’ loop.
67. Write
the difference between while and do while loop.
68. Differentiate
between while and do-while loop construct.
69. Define
array. How array is initialized in C?
70. What
is array? Why are arrays needed?
71. What
is an array? How an array is declared?
72. How
an array of 10 integers declared and used in C.
73. Define
array. How two-dimensional array is initialize?
74. Differentiate
between one dimensional array and two dimensional arrays.
75. Explain
the stages in array initialization.
76. What
are the conditions that must be satisfied by all the elements of any given
77. What
is structure? Explain the syntax of structure declaration with example.
78. What
is the advantage of using structure in C program?
79. What
is “sizeof” operator?
80. What
are the different storage classes of C?
81. Distinguish
between auto and register storage class.
82. Explain
storage classes in brief.
83. How many
types of storage classes does C supports? what is the necessity of each
84. What
is a static variable in C?
85. What
is a register variable in C?
86. Explain
the scope of a variable in C.
87. What is a flowchart?
88. Draw
the flowchart for maximum of two numbers.
89. Why
do we use #define in our program.
90. What is a pointer variable? State the
advantages of using pointer variable.
91. What
are the pointers? How to use pointers?
92. What
is a pointer? Give examples.
93. What
is pointer in C? How is a pointer initialized?
94. What is the difference between a and *a?
95. Write the advantage of using pointers.
96. What
is function? What are the advantages of using function?
97. Write
name of two string functions.
98. Write
name of two math functions.
99. Write
the use of strcpy() function. Give example.
100. Write
the use of strlen () function.
101. Describe
the use of strlen() function with the help of an example.
102. Explain
the use of strcat function with example.
103. Explain
any three string functions in C.
104. Write any two string functions with their
105. State
any two string functions with their actions.
106. Write
down the advantages of function.
107. Explain
the concept and use of type void.
108. Define
void. When void is used in function?
109. What
are the major components of a function definition? Give example.
110. What is a formal parameter and actual
111. What
is formal argument and actual argument?
112. What
is formal argument and actual argument in a C function? Explain with example.
113. What
is call by value and call by reference?
114. Differentiate
between call by value and call by reference.
115. What
is meant by call by value? Explain how it is different from call by reference.
Write C language program to support your answer.
116. What
is call by reference? Write a C program to swap two numbers using call by
117. Explain
in brief the concept of recursion. Give example.
118. What
is recursion? Write a C program to explain the benefits of using recursion.
119. What
is a recursive function? Explain with the help of an example.
120. Explain
the concept of recursive functions with an example.
121. Explain
the working principle of a recursive function with an example.
122. What
is the use of exit()?
123. Write
briefly about file handling in C language.
124. What
is append mode in file?
125. Explain
how the file open and file close functions handled in C.
126. What
is a file? Explain how the file open and file close functions.
127. Write
the use of fprintf() and fscanf().
128. Explain the following statements:
a. break
b. goto
c. switch case
d. if-else
129. Briefly explain:
a) Data types in C
b) Return statement
c) Variables
130. Differentiate between the followings:
a) Built-in function and User defined function
b) Call by value and Call by reference
c) while and do…while loop
d) If-else and switch case
e) Break and exit
f) Nesting and Looping
g) Variable and identifier
h) C character and C string
i) Break and Continue statement
j) Increment and decrement operators
k) getchar() and getch()
131. Write short notes on the following:
a) Pre increment and post increment
b) If-else and switch statement
c) For loop and while loop
132. Write a program in C to find the average of
three numbers.
133. Write a C program to find the sum and average
of N numbers.
134. Write a C program to find the sum of the
digits of a given integer.
135. Write a C program to find the largest of
three numbers.
136. Write a C program to find the greatest
number among three numbers.
137. Write a C program to find the maximum of
three numbers using conditional operator.
138. Write a C program to find biggest of given
three number using nested if.
139. Write a program in C to check whether a
number is even or odd.
140. Write a C program to find out if the given
year is a leap year or not.
141. Write a program in C to swap two numbers
using third variable.
142. Write a program to swap two numbers without
using third variable.
143. Write a C program to swap two integer
values using function.
144. Write a C program to create a calculator
using switch case.
145. Write a program in C to display the largest
and smallest element in an integer array.
146. Write a program in C to check whether a
number is divisible by 6 or not.
147. Write a program in C to print the number
from 1 to 100.
148. Write a C program to find the sum of digits
in a given number.
149. Write a C program to calculate the sum of 4
digit numbers.
150. Write a C program to display all even
numbers between 10 and 150.
151. Write a C program to check whether a number
is prime or not.
152. Write a C program to find the biggest
number in an array.
153. Write a C program to find the largest of n
numbers using array.
154. Write a C program to find the sum of the
elements of an array.
155. Write a program in C to find the sum of
given n integers using an array.
156. Write a C program to display first 20
multiple of 11.
157. Write a C program to check whether an
alphabet is vowel or not using switch case.
158. Write a C program to display all the
numbers which are both divisible by 3 and 4 within the range 300 and 400.
159. Write a C program to subtract two matrices.
160. Write a C program to find sum and average
of a list of numbers.
161. Write a C program to add two matrices.
162. Write a C program to multiply two matrices.
163. Write a C program to copy a string into
another string using strcpy functions.
164. Write a C program to find the factorial of
a given number.
165. Write a program in C to enter emp_id,
emp_name and salary of three employees and display the records using structure.
166. Write a C program to define name, roll-no, class,
sex and height for 50 students using structure.
167. Write a C program to find biggest of given
n numbers.
168. Write a C program to find the smallest from
a list of n numbers.
169. Write a C program to print all the numbers
between 1 and 100 which are divisible by 3.
170. Write a C program to generate first 30 integers
(positive) that are divisible by 7.
171. Write a C program to generate and print 50
positive integers that are divisible by 7.
172. Write a C program to generate the first 50
positive integers that are divisible by 7.
173. Write a C program to print the
multiplication table from 1 to 10 with proper formatting.
174. Write a C program to find whether a number
is divisible by two or not using functions.
175. Write a C program to print the following
1 1
2 3 5 8
176. Write a C program to evaluate the series 1+
1/3+ 1/5+… upto 5 terms.
177. Write a C program to find the sum of the following series:
S=1+ ½ + 1/3 + 1/4 …… +1/n
178. Write a C program to evaluate the following
S=1+ ½ + 1/3 + … +1/N
179. Write a C program to find and print
transpose of a given matrix.
180. Write a C program to find arithmetic mean of n numbers using a function.
181. Write a C program to generate the following:
1 2
2 3
182. Write a C program to print the following
1 2
1 2 3
1 2
3 4
1 2
3 4 5
183. Write a C program to reverse a given
184. Write a C program to print the reverse of a
given number.
185. Write a C program to display all numbers
between 200 and 500 which are divisible by 17.
186. Write a C programe to calculate the sum of
a 3 digit number.
187. Write a C program to find the sum of N
188. Write a C program to reverse an integer
value using function.
189. Write a c program to add two numbers using
a function call.
190. Write a C program to add two matrices of
order M X N.
191. Write a C program to define and use a
student structure with following data members:
rno, name, marks
192. Write a C program to check if a given
string is a palindrome string or not.
193. Write a program to check whether a string
is palindrome or not.
194. What would be the output of the following
for(i=-100; i<0; i++)
195. Write a C program to create the following
Structure name: country
Data members: serial number,
state, capital.
Enter the data into the
structure and then display the data using structure.
196. Write a C program to find sum of two values
using pointer.
197. Write a C program to add two integers using
198. Write a C program to add two numbers using
pointer variable.
199. Write a C program to find biggest of two given
numbers using pointers.
200. Write a C program read a text file and
print the output.
201. Write a C program to find the sum of
numbers between 1 and n.
Fill in the blanks:
1. The logical operator = = checks for ______ of two values.
2. The expression 11%3 evaluates to ______.
3. An array always contains data of ____ type.
4. In C while is _________ word.
5. Array elements can be accessed _______
6. exit(0) in a C program represents_______
7. The _____ statement is used to skip statement in a loop.
1. No two case labels can have the same value.
2. 12,245 is a legal string constant in ‘C’.
3. If int a=10, the expression a+4/6*6/2 evaluates to 11.
4. Elements of structure have to be of the same type.
5. strcmp function returns an integer value.
6. A char variable occupies 2 bytes in memory.
7. m++ can also be written a m+=1.
8. If int a=10, the expression a+4/6*6/2 evaluates to 11.
9. A function cannot be defined inside another function.
if you have any doubts plz let me know...